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D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle
  • D&Wp Total Awareness Resource Product Bundle

Total Awareness Resource Bundle

£5,135.00 Save £160.00

Total Awareness Resource Bundle

Upgraded Drug Box Version 6
Upgraded Safe Sex Box Version 2
Upgraded Alcohol Box Version 1
Upgraded Smoke Box Version 1
Upgraded Life Box Version 1
S.I.D. Box Version 2
V.I.S. Box Version 2
Drug Awareness Flashcards
Safer Sex Awareness Flash Cards
D&Wp Drug Awareness Resource Centre Access
D&Wp Alcohol Awareness PowerPoint Presentation
D&Wp Printable Alcohol Quizzes



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Drug Box Version 6 - Upgraded

Tray One -  1. Cocaine, 2. Opium, 3. Heroin & Fentanyl, 4. Methadone, 5. L.S.D., 6. Magic Mushrooms, 7. Ecstasy, 8. Crystal Meth.

Tray Two -  9. Cannabis, 10. Amphetamine, 11. Synthetic Cannabis, 12. Synthetic Cathinones, 13. Barbiturates, 14. Methylphenidate, 15. Ketamine, 16. O.T.C. Medicines

Tray Three - 17. Benzodiazaphines, 18. BZP's & GHB, 19. Anabolic Steroids, 20. Khat, 21. Alkyl Nitrites, 22. Solvents & N.O.S., 23. Alcohol & Tobacco, 24. Caffeine

S.I.D. Box Version 2

This resource challenges the trainee to identify a substance, match it to its name, street name and to its UK government classification (A,B,C or just 'Legal'). Easy, they may think, "This is Cannabis, it is Skunk or Weed and it is Class B". But what is this pale blue liquid, or this scrap of blotting paper, or the pale pink powder?

Substances included for identification include:

Cannabis Herbal, Cannabis Resin, Cannabis Seeds, Cannabis Oil, Crystal Meth., Ketamine, Rohypnol, GHB, Amphetamine, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, Poppers (Amyl Nitrite), Alcohol, Solvents (Glue), Medicines (POM & OTC), Tobacco, Tripstacy, Heroin, Khat, Raw Opium, Methadone, L.S.D., Magic Mushrooms, Steroids, Blood Sample.

Drug Awareness Flash Cards

The fronts bear an image of the drug, its generic name and its street names. The reverse of each card bears a full drug description, its history, method of use, its effects and risks. Both sets combined comprise of 24 of the most common drugs (12 cards per set);

Set One

Set Two

1. Cannabis Herbal 13. Cannabis Plant
2. Cannabis Resin 14. Cannabis Oil
3. Ecstasy 15. Cannabis Bong
4. Cocaine Powder 16. GHB
5. Alcohol 17. Methyl Amphetamine
6. Tobacco 18. Crack Cocaine
7. Heroine Injected 19. Alkyl Nitrite
8. Amphetamine 20. Solvents
9. L.S.D. 21. Medicines
10. Anabolic Steroids 22. Heroin Smoked
11. Rohypnol 23. Opium
12. Methadone 24. Magic Mushrooms

Safer Sex Box Version 2 - Upgraded

Tray One - 1. Male Condom, 2. Female Condom, 3. Ring/Cap, 4. Hormone Patch, 5. Sponge, 6. Withdrawal, 7. Oral Dam, 8. Toxic Shock

Tray Two - 09. the Pill, 10. Injection/Implant, 11. IUD/IUS, 12. Male Sterilisation, 13. Female Sterilisation, 14. Rhythm Method, 15. Finger Cots/Gloves, 16. Erectile Dysfunction

Tray Three - 17. Chlamidia/Gonorrhoea, 18. Herpes, 19. Genital Warts, 20. Hepatitis B, 21. Syphillis, 22. HIV/AIDS, 23. Thrush/Trichomonias, 24. Pubic Lice/Scabies

Alcohol Box Version 1 - Upgraded

Tray One - 1.  Pure Alcohol, 2.  Industrial Alcohols, 3.  Fermentation, 4.  Distillation, 5.  Beers & Ciders, 6.  Wine, 7.  Spirits, 8.  Fortified Wines

Tray Two - 9.  Early History, 10.  Later History, 11.  Historical Problems, 12.  Present Day, 13.  Consumer Protection, 14.  Duty & Taxes, 15.  Social Issues, 16.  Drink Driving

Tray Three - 17.  Being Drunk, 18.  Dependency, 19.  The Dangers, 20.  Alcoholism, 21.  Difficulty Quitting, 22.  Getting Help, 23.  Safety in Units, 24.  Know Your Limits

V.I.S. Box Version 2

The V.I.S Box comes supplied with everything you will need to demonstrate the effects alcohol has on an individual's vision, balance, spatial awareness & hand-eye co-ordination.

With every purchase of a D&Wp V.I.S Box you will be able to download resources which contain instructions on using your V.I.S Box and an activity called 'Your Round' designed to test your participants balance and coordination whilst wearing the V.I.S Goggles, an introduction to alcohol and 12 'Alcohol Fact Sheets', all in a ready to print format.

Providing trainers with a resource for demonstrating the effects of alcohol on individuals who have consumed none was a challenge for the D&Wp research and design team, requiring a different approach but with impressive results.

The D&Wp Visual Impairment System (V.I.S) Box Version 2.1 is contained in a flight case containing two pairs drunk vision goggles, two motion sensor alarms, hazard tape, alcohol breath analyser and an optical lens cleaning solution and cloth to keep your V.I.S goggles smear free.

There are a range of activities you can use in your training sessions, like demonstrating a driver's road side test as carried out by the police. Stick approximately 10 feet of hazard tape to the floor and see how many steps your participants can take when wearing the V.I.S goggles, before triggering the motion sensors.

With every purchase of a D&Wp V.I.S Box we supply instructions on using your V.I.S Box and an activity called 'Your Round' designed to test your participants balance and co-ordination whilst wearing the V.I.S Goggles, an introduction to alcohol and 12 'Alcohol Fact Sheets', all in a ready to print format.

Smoke Box Version 1 - Upgraded

Tray One - 1. Tobacco, 2. Cigarettes, 3. Cigars, 4. Pipes, 5. Snuff & Snus, 6. Chewing Tobacco, 7. Cannabis & Tobacco, 8. Cigarette Additives

Tray Two - 9. Smoker's Cough, 10. Lung Cancer, 11. Clogged Arteries, 12. Pregnancy & Smoking, 13. Dental Health, 14. Premature Ageing, 15. Smoking Legislation, 16. Health & Fitness

Tray Three - 17. Nicotine Patch, 18. Nicotine Gum, 19. Lozenges & Micro-tabs, 20. Prescription Quitting, 21. Nicotine Nasal Spray, 22. Willpower, 23. Herbal Cigarettes, 24. Electronic Cigarette

Life Box Version 1 - Upgraded

Tray One - 1. Food 100 Years Ago, 2. Modern Diet, 3. Lifestyle Diets, 4. Belief-Based Diets, 5. Food Group, 6. Vitamins & Minerals, 7. Hydration, 8. Food Labelling

Tray Two - 9. Obesity, 10. Food Allergies, 11. Eating Disorders, 12. Tooth Decay, 13. Heart Disease, 14. Stroke, 15. Cancer, 16. Diabetes

Tray Three - 17. Tobacco, 18. Alcohol, 19. Sugar & Salt, 20. Drugs & Medicines, 21. Food Additives, 22. Portion Size & Swaps, 23. Exercise, 24. Sleep & Stress

Online Resource Centre for Drug Awareness

Substance Database

Information on 24 of the most common Class A, Class B, Class C, licensed and legal drugs as featured in the D&Wp Drug Box Version 6.

Alcohol Awareness Interactive PowerPoint Presentation & 100 Question Quiz

Fully interactive 7 section Alcohol Awareness PowerPoint Presentation and Printable 100 question quiz broken into 10 levels ranging in difficulty from beginner to advance.
